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I live on the east coast of sunny Flordia but hail from the tiny town of Churubusco, Indiana,  otherwise known as Turtle Town, USA.


I believe I was born slightly bananas but has only come to fruition (ha) when I met my handsome, often times annoying hubby 30 years ago and finally reached my peak after 25 years of marriage and two beautiful but grown children. A daughter and son and along with my loyal dog, Lea.

I am a Grammie to two dogs, Cooper and Murphy, and two cats, Uma and Toby. I am hopeful one day Uma will like me and I will have human grandchildren!

Currently, I am a caregiver for my mother, (I moved back to Indiana) who after many back and neck fusions fell and although she has feeling in her legs is in a's a long and horrible story and if I ever write a horror novel it will be directly from the months of October 2019 until the present day.

I love to laugh, eat pizza, binge watch Netflix, craft, quilt, write, design book covers, and anything else that pops into my head!



Murphy & Toby



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